Strong Winds in a Forest
Richard Devine
Ambisonic recording in a Forest around midday. The NT-SF1 was placed on a tripod about 5 feet from the ground and was trying to capture the sounds of the gusty winds blowing in the trees all around.
Microphone used

Small Running Creek
Richard Devine
Ambisonic recording of a small creek. The NT-SF1 was handheld over a small stream, which was approximately 6 feet wide at a depth of water of 1 foot. Recent rain and flooding had caused small flash floods, which made this recording possible.
Microphone used

Mountain River
Richard Devine
Ambisonic recording of a River in the mountains. The NT-SF1 was placed on a mini tri-pod about 6 inches from the ground on a bed of rocks near the rushing water.
Microphone used

Microphone used