Gas Inside Automotive Sink Drain 1
Richard Devine
Ambisonic recording of an automotive shop fuel cleaning sink draining water into the inside of a large rectangular base.
Microphone used

Mountain River
Richard Devine
Ambisonic recording of a River in the mountains. The NT-SF1 was placed on a mini tri-pod about 6 inches from the ground on a bed of rocks near the rushing water.
Microphone used

Airport Baggage Claim Area
Richard Devine
This ambisonic recording was taken inside the South terminal in between two baggage carousels. The NT-SF1 was placed on a Tripod about 5 feet above the ground. With this recording, I was trying to capture the sound of both carousels moving dropping luggage on both sides with the crowd ambiance in the airport.
Microphone used

Airport Outside Ambience
Richard Devine
Ambisonic recording taken outside the main domestic drop off area in front of the Atlanta Airport. The NT-SF1 was placed on a tripod near terminal-5 close to the centre of the pickup area. This recording was trying to capture the cars driving up to drop off passengers, and also the sounds of distant airplanes taking off and landing.
Microphone used

Train Station Platform
Richard Devine
This ambisonic recording was taken in between the north and south train lines. The NT-SF1 was in the middle platform capturing the ambient sounds of people, trains and city noise.
Microphone used